Velocity Run Configurations

Velocity sessions are started with a Velocity Run Configuration.

The guides below are meant to supplement that onboarding flow for users who need to either select non-default settings, such as adding a build argument, or defining a local build command for building an on your local machine and then copying the resulting binary into a Docker image with Velocity.

If you are working as part of an organization with pre-configured Velocity configurations you can choose the option of "Start from a Base Configuration". If not, choose the "Create a new configuration״ option and the onboarding wizard will launch.

Updating an existing run configuration

Additionally, you may wish to update an existing run configuration. To do so, select "Edit Configurations" from the dropdown shown below.

Next, select the configuration that you would like to update, and select the "Target" tab to update Kubernetes-specific fields, like your Kubernetes context, namespace or deployment, or select the "Build" tab to add or update Docker-specific build commands, additional arguments or your build context.

Last updated