Datadog Integration

The Datadog integration allows Velocity to ingest Datadog information for monitoring and insights

Follow these steps in your Datadog account to obtain both the application and API keys to configure the Velocity integration.

Step 1 - Generate an API Key

  1. Navigate to Organization settings, then click API keys.

  1. Click the New Key.

  2. Enter a name for your key.

  3. Click Create API key.

Step 2 - Generate an Application Key for a Velocity Service Account

  1. Create a new role

    1. Navigate to Organization settings, then click Roles (under the ACCESS section)

    2. Click "+ New Role" at the top right

    3. Enter a name for the new role - Velocity Service Account Role

    4. Select the following permissions

      1. Monitors Read

      2. Monitors Write

      3. Integrations Manage

      4. Integrations Read

      5. APM Read

      6. Synthetics Read

      7. Synthetics Write

    5. Click Save

If you can't find the New Role button, you may need to enable custom roles by click the cog wheel and Enable

  1. Create a new Service Account

    1. Navigate to Organization settings, then click Service Accounts (under the Identity & Accounts section)

    2. Click "+ New Service Account" at the top right

    3. Enter a name for the new role, for example, Velocity Service Account

    4. Enter your corporate email address

    5. Assign the role created previously, Velocity Service Account Role

    6. Click Create Service Account

  2. Create a new Service Account Token

    1. Navigate to Organization settings, then click Service Accounts (under the Identity & Accounts section)

    2. Click the Service Account we previously created, Velocity Service Account

    3. Click "+ New Key"

    4. Enter a name for the new key, for example, Velocity Service Account App Key

    5. Click Create Key

    6. Keep the "Not Scoped" configuration

    7. Copy the new key to your clipboard

Step 3 - Get your Datdog site name

Following Datadog's guideline here to get your site name

Step 4 - Share information with Velocity

Send your Velocity point of contact both keys and the site name via your dedicated Slack channel or email us at

Last updated