Create a launch (debug) configuration

Ensure that the project setup in your IDE aligns with the development workload you intend to develop.

VS Code requires launch configurations to configure and save debugging setup details, storing the configuration information in a launch.json file located in a .vscode folder in your workspace (project root folder), in your user settings or in the workspace settings.

Velocity works with native VS Code launch configurations. This process explains how to create a Velocity run configuration.

This process explains how to set up a Velocity run configuration from scratch for a private project, or how to create a pre-defined base configuration for your team. If you are working as part of an organization with an already pre-configured Velocity base configuration, see Start from a Base Configuration to get started.

Set up the configuration

  1. From the dropdown list, choose the programming language you are developing and then choose whether to create your configuration based on an existing workload or a Dockerfile. For this walkthrough, choose Based on Dockerfile and click Next.


Configuration name

Choose a name that suggests the goal of the run configuration - for example, the name of the application you're developing


The path to the Dockerfile associated with the service that you're developing

Build context path

The build context is the set of files that your build can access. The positional argument that you pass to the build command specifies the context (for example, the local path) that you want to use for the build. Read more here.

What's running

Kubernetes context

The Kubernetes cluster that you're working in

Kubernetes namespace

The namespace in which your deployed service is running

Kubernetes workload

The specific Kubernetes workload that you're developing

  1. Confirm that all of the values are correct, or update them as needed. Click Next.

  2. Now review and, if necessary, provide additional details for Velocity to build a Dockerfile:

  3. Click Create. The wizard closes, and a new Velocity launch configuration is created. The launch configuration can be opened for viewing and editing from the Velocity tab in the sidebar:

You can get familiar with Velocity in your IDE and start your first development session with Velocity.

Last updated