Path mappings

When debugging a remote application, the debugger needs to map a code file in the local machine to the same code file in the target machine

When debugging a remote application, the debugger needs to map a code file in the local machine to the same code file in the target machine. Thereafter, when a breakpoint is hit in the application running on the target machine, the debugger recognizes which code file is the relevant file on the local machine, enabling the developer to quickly access it for debugging.

When to use path mapping

In most cases, Velocity automatically configures path mapping for you (that's our magic 🪄).

However, there are cases when you will need to configure path mapping manually:

  • the code you would like to debug and update is outside of the configured build context

  • when using a configuration that is based on an existing workload and not on a Dockerfile

See more about the two options Velocity run configurations.

Configure path mapping

To work with Velocity, you must first ensure that you have configured every single code file that is part of the project that you're developing with the mapping from the local machine to the path on the remote file system of the container.

For example:

If the local worker code is at /Users/john/projects/my_app/src/workerand the path of the worker on the target file system is at /app/workerm:

The path mapping should look like this:

The local path can use a relative path to the project root or the absolute path.

The remote path must use the absolute path

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