Start a Velocity development session

Start a Velocity development session from VS Code

Once you have a Velocity run configuration ready, you can start your first development session.

  • Run - build an image with your code and deploy it to the remote environment. The remote pod now runs with the logic you have in your local IDE. Code changes will be synced to the remote environment and the workload will be updated accordingly (see Making your first code change)

  • Debug - The Run functionality + the ability to debug locally the application that runs in the remote (see Hitting your first breakpoint section)

Your development session is ready when your Kubernetes Pod logs are printed in the Velocity output that appears in the Terminal, prefixed by the remote pod and container names.

VS Code automatically detects the relevant configuration based on the project that you opened in the Explorer. Additionally, you can manage all of your configurations from the Run & Debug sidebar.

Make your first code change

Once you see logs coming from your application, it means your application is ready and you can start developing with Velocity.

To make a code change and have it synced to the remote pod:

  1. Make the code change you would like to apply

  2. Save the changes

  3. From the Velocity tool window, click S or R:

  4. Once you see the Kubernetes logs renew, the new code is already up and running in the remote pod.

Hit your first breakpoint

To debug with Velocity, once you start the Velocity session, set relevant breakpoints from your IDE, just as you would if you were debugging locally.

End a Velocity development session

Last updated