Creating a Run Configuration using a Base Configuration


Using a Base Configuration when creating a new Run Configuration makes the configuration of a new service much easier as some of the values will be already predefined.

When choosing a Base Configuration, you will get all the predefined values from the Base Configuration and will allow you to complete only the fields that weren't defined


Via the onboarding wizard

  1. Choose the "Setup Velocity" as the run configuration. Hit on Run or Debug

  1. Choose "Start with a configuration that was predefined by your team

  1. Choose the Base Configuration that you want to use and hit "Next"

  2. Add the missing fields and complete the wizard

Via the Edit Configurations screen

  1. Choose "Edit Configurations.." in the run configurations dropdown

  1. Create a new Velocity Run Configuration

  1. Click on the "Use a base configuration..." link

  1. Choose the relevant Base Configuration and click OK

  2. Fill in the required missing fields

  3. Save the Run Configuration

Visual Studio Code

  1. Open the Velocity side panel

  2. Click on the '+' button

  3. Choose "Select from Base configurations published by your team"

  1. Choose the relevant Base Configuration and hit Next

  2. Fill in the missing fields and complete the wizard

Last updated